Xpress Magazine Print Issue Release Party

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Event Time 12:30 p.m. - 01:30 p.m. PT
Location Outside the HUM Building near Cafe Rosso
Contact Email amberw@sfsu.edu


Come join Xpress Magazine to learn about our newest print Issue at our release party!

Xpress Magazine is one of the student-run publications on campus, along with GGX News. Come learn about the publication, get your hands on our newest print issue, meet the editors and writers, listen to our curated playlist for the issue and eat some yummy snacks. At this event you will also be able to learn about what is required to join the magazine and what topics we cover. 

This event counts as Journalism event credits. To get credit please fill out the short survey at the event. 

Food will be provided. 

We hope to see you all there! 

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Pizza slices
Wednesday, March 12, 2025