Welcome (Back) Week: Journalism Department Town Hall

Monday, February 21, 2022
Event Time 12:30 p.m. - 01:30 p.m. PT
Location HUM 310
Contact Email amberw@sfsu.edu


Come to our Town Hall to meet faculty and fellow students and find out what's going on in the department this spring!

Journalism Department faculty will brief you on:

  • the new Bilingual Spanish Journalism B.A. program
  • a spring photojournalism field trip
  • scholarships
  • internships
  • upcoming events
  • our new Student Professional Development Grant
  • Supplemental Instruction

Student leaders will tell you what's up with student clubs and publications.

And we'd like to hear from you; bring your questions!

Email: amberw@sfsu.edu

If you missed the Journalism Department Welcome (Back) Week Town Hall, here's the link to the recording:

Recording: https://sfsu.zoom.us/rec/share/I0pkM3WX1BJ8Pwlxtdo3qlrx05aVG_qEXJAwc4f6LAQqLsX2pXT7aobOEyWOJ7h9.SDWNgTd2a7LYePlh

Passcode: sf$tatej0ur

NOTE: Students must have attended the event in person or on Zoom to receive Journalism Event credit.

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