Yvonne Daley Student Newsroom Dedication and Alumni Reception

Monday, May 22, 2023
Event Time 05:30 p.m. - 07:30 p.m. PT
Location HUM 308
Contact Email jgarnier@sfsu.edu


Join SF State Journalism for an alumni reception and ceremony to dedicate the Golden Gate Xpress student newsroom to the legacy of Yvonne Daley, former professor, reporter, writer, poet, friend and mentor to so many. SF State Journalism alumni from all eras.

If you would like to attend via Zoom then please register at this link: https://sfsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdOmqqTsuHtMXzMuNtz02w-4Vq74RcLrt

Yvonne Daley Newsroom Dedication

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