When it Hits: Covering Big Breaking News
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Event Time 12:30 p.m. - 01:45 p.m.
HUM 308
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Hear from those who have been there: When big news breaks, what do you report? Where do you go? Who do you talk to?
- Emelie Raguso, Editor and Founder, Berkeley Scanner
- Joanne Derbort, Pulitzer Prize winner for breaking news
- Jesse Garnier, Editor and Founder, SFBay.ca; Chair, SF State Journalism
- Dan Simon, Former West Coast Correspondent, CNN
- Brian Dinsmore, Assignment Manager, KPIX-TV
This event is also available via Zoom: https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/82745213403?pwd=MEUyOHJiazAzaEJ4MzBwakR6cWNtQT09.
If attending via Zoom, then please email amberw@sfsu.edu with proof of attendance.
This event will count toward the Journalism Event requirement. Please sign in through the QR code posted in the room and notify your journalism professors that you attended.
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