Literature and Its 'Other' Traditions
This conference — sponsored by ICLA Research Committee on Religion, Ethics, and Literature and the San Francisco State University departments of Jewish Studies, Journalism, Modern Languages and Literatures, Cinema — explores Jewish writing in relation to literature’s “other” traditions. Over two days, scholars from Jewish Studies and an array of other disciplines will discuss what it means to write in an “other” voice in literary and secular registers.
For information on free registration, please contact jewish@sfsu.edu or kmillet1@sfsu.edu
Monday, March 25
9 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
- Kitty Millet, Chair, Jewish Studies, San Francisco State University
9:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker
- Isabel Gil, Professor and Rector, Universidade Catholica Portuguese, “Repetition, revision, repair. Hofmannsthal’s other Europe in ‘Griechenland’"
10:15 a.m. Writing, an “Other” Tradition
- Kitty Millet (SFSU), “The Heretic’s Redemption”
- Jusuf Salih (UD), “Moses as the 'Our Prophet' and the 'Prophet of Others'"
- Mohammad Azadpur, “Marx and McDowell on Alienation and the Animal ’Other’”
11:30 a.m. LUNCH
12:30 p.m. “Otherness”: Inside and Out
- John Hawley (SCU), “The Outsider Writes Back: An Algerian re-Writes Camus’s L’Etranger”
- Vered Weiss (MSU), “Borderline Outcasts: Intellect and Marginality in “Mishael” by Y. D. Berkowitz and John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men”
- Eran Kaplan (SFSU), “Reworking the Modern Hebrew Canon”
2:00 p.m. The Image of the "Other" in Liberation
- Sara Hackenberg (SFSU), “Mystery, Cinema, and Emancipatory Visual Literacy”
- Mikey Pagan (SFSU), “The Leftist ‘Other’ in Caribbean Tradition“
- Alice Sowaal (SFSU), “On Reading Mary Astell (1666-1731) Through the Lens of Liberation Theology"
3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Reception (HUM 415)
Tuesday, March 26
9 a.m. Introduction
- Kitty Millet, Chair, Jewish Studies, San Francisco State University
9:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker
- Professor Anne Tomiche (Université Sorbonne), "Glossopoiesis: 'Othering' the Religious Tradition of Glossolalia"
10:15 a.m. Writing an "Other" Gender
- Maximilian Kalama (Baruch), "Queer Poiesis and the Literary Canon"
- Megan Hartman (MWU), "Dreaming Transgender in the Yoga Vasistha"
- Julietta Hua (SFSU), "New Methodologies for Race, Ethnic and Decolonial Studies"
11:30 a.m. Memoir, and the Historicity of an "Other" Literature
- Ariel Horowitz (Stanford), “When Historiography Enters: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in American Jewish Fiction"
- Lou Gordon (CSUSB), “Newark Style”
- Venise Wagner (SFSU), “Vanishing Lines”
12:45 – 1 p.m. Conference Conclusion and Luncheon
- Anne Tomiche (Sorbonne)
- Isabel Gil (UCP)
- Kitty Millet (SFSU)
- Maximilian Karama (CUNY)
- Megan Hartman (MWU)
- Sara Hackenberg (SFSU)
- Vered Weiss (MSU)
- Mikey Pagan (SFSU)
- Julietta Hua (SFSU)
- Alice Sowaal (SFSU)
- Eran Kaplan (SFSU)
- Ariel Horowitz (Stanford)
- Lou Gordon (Ind)
- John Hawley (SFSU)
- Venise Wagner (SFSU)
- Mohammad Azadpur (SFSU)
- Jusuf Salih (UD)