Josh Davis Joins Journalism Faculty Fall 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019
Josh Davis

Josh Davis is a journalist, filmmaker, educator and most recently, a producer at VICE News Tonight on HBO where he produced the viral documentary, Charlottesville: Race and Terror, which won a Peabody and four Emmys. Josh has spearheaded visual journalism projects at The New York Times, MediaStorm, National Geographic and NPR, where he directed the multimedia documentary, Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt. The story won an Emmy and a Dupont. It spearheaded the discussion of diverse forms of storytelling in the modern era. Josh has taught journalism courses at NYU, Columbia, CUNY and The New School. His students won a regional Emmy for their project, Finding Sanctuary. Josh earned his master’s degree from UNC - Chapel Hill as a Roy H. Park fellow and Carnegie-Knight News21 fellow. He holds a bachelor’s degree in feature writing from the University of Maryland. His graduate thesis, The Undocumentary, was a two-year multimedia report about the lives of young undocumented immigrant activists in North Carolina. Josh returns to the state almost every year to coach the Carolina Photojournalism Workshop with visual communication students from his alma mater. Our newest professor is most excited to meet next semester’s students and creating new, project-based opportunities for aspiring visual journalists at SF State. He’s also ready to trade Brooklyn pizza for Mission burritos, and to explore the awesomeness of the Bay Area.