SFSU Journalism graduates featured in a recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

San Francisco State University (SFSU) Journalism graduate and immersive visual journalist Angelica Ekeke ('16) was featured in a recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle. Ekeke, currently a student at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, "has created a hybrid storytelling format that melds art and journalism, weaving stories together from a kaleidoscope of images, film clips, lyrics and instrumental scores that she composes," Samantha Nobles-Block writes in the article for the newspaper's new Creative Lives department. "She calls her works 'visual symphonies.'"

Chronicle photographer and SFSU photojournalism alum Jessica Christian ('15) shot photos of Ekeke for the story.

Read the article, see the photos and view a sample of Ekeke's visual symphony.