Journalism Department iPad app Recognized

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The [X]press Magazine iPad app, which was designed and developed by staff in the Spring 2011 semester, reached the semi-finals for the 2011 Adobe Design Achievement Awards (ADAA). The magazine won this recognition in two categories: Innovation in Interactivity in Education for Faculty, and for Students. With guidance from instructors, Staci Baird, Don Menn, and Beth Reneissen, the [X]press magazine staff, led by Editor Grace Dulce and Managing Editor Meghan Dubitsky, developed an app that incorporates video, interactive graphics and high quality photos. It is also a good read. This international competition is designed to celebrate student and faculty achievement in converging technology and education. The competition - which showcases individual and group projects created with Adobe software - honors the most talented and promising student graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, digital filmmakers, developers and computer artists from the world's top institutions of higher education. [X]press' design work can been seen at the regional Adobe Office in San Jose. Congratulations [X]press Magazine!