Golden Gate[X]press launches new website!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's time to update your bookmarks and RSS feeds! The Golden Gate [X]press website has moved to a new address:
The new site, powered by WordPress, allows student editors more control over the look and feel of the site. [X]press can now feature bigger photos and integrate slideshows and video seamlessly with text stories. Multimedia Editor Aaron Williams managed the update and worked with lecturer Staci Baird. Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Avers and Online Editor Audrey Arthur also played an integral part in the launch of the new website.
[X]press and the SF State journalism department are now a member of the Intercollegiate Online News Network, a set of individuals, academic programs and professional organizations dedicated to connecting student journalists and campus news websites. The new website is hosted by ICONN.
This spring [X]press magazine will also launch a new website in conjunction with its first digital magazine. The magazine site is moving to its own url -- -- with its own unique design that will showcase photos and feature stories in a modern, edgy style.